Farewell Penedo. Our eleven o'clock departure came a little sooner than we were all prepared for. Peter, Amy and family had a lot of goodbyes to say. Maybe a dozen friends came by the pousada to see them off. It is clear that Penedo is very close to their hearts and the feeling is reflected by the people here they have befriended. Some of them brought gifts but most I think just wanted one last word and a goodbye. This could be the last time they see each other, though I imagine the Ragsdale-Starks will find their way back here. Penedo has gravitas in their lives. One of the many planets in their galaxy, it will always maintain its orbit. I have a hard time imagining how one family can belong to so many people, the whole time realizing how fortunate I am to be among them. I have learned a lot about generosity and community while I've been here. The work that Molly did for the local capoeira and the donation she made. Peter's time spent with the local soccer community and the games and parties he arranged with them. Amy working with local officials to get Bentinho passage to the United States for a visit and exchange of culture with her dance company. Skylar effortlessly arranging two on two games every night at the plaza with friends from Montana and Penedo alike. All of this will be returned to them many times over both in friendship and community. Most of the people here have very little compared to the standard of the US. The locals do know they have community and the support that goes along with it. I'm sure that if we came back five years from now we could still go down to the campo and see Manuel organizing games. Bentinho will still be teaching capoeira in the community center. Both understanding how important it is for their communities of people to have something to look forward to. Realizing the work they do will be returned to them in less traditional ways than monetary exchange. I was here to witness all this first hand, more or less as a participant. What a blessing.
The bus left at about 11:45. On time by Brazilian standards. The trip to Pontal Du Corouripe would last about and hour and a half. As we got closer to the coast we passed coconut plantations and sugar cane fields. The sun soaking them in a shower of beautiful light. Our bus driver had a heavy right foot and we were making good time. The journey to the beach was pleasant even if the countryside was rushing by. Our destination today was Ada's Pousada.
Ada's Pousada is a quaint collection of simple casitas about three blocks from the beach. The ceilings are open and the living conditions are clean and basic. We do have hot showers though, and so far all of the outlets work. Ada is the proprietor. She was born in Italy and raised in Germany and Brazil as a child. She has lived in Pontal since she was a young girl and has a strong connection to the place. She's about 5'3" and ninety pounds. I would put her in her seventies. She has a smoking habit and a Tom Waits voice. Towards us she has a very sweet disposition but I would hate to line up on the other side of the fence against her. I'm sure she has a very strong sense of justice with indifference toward the conflict that can go along with it. As our host, purely gracious. As an enemy purely pernicious. I could tell I was going to enjoy my stay at Ada's. Happy that I was on the right side of the fence in harmony with our host.
Our arrival was a bit chaotic as we had to get our things off the bus and out of the rain and settle up on who was staying in which of the many casitas. Amy undertook that responsibility and we headed for lunch. Our landing spot was a beautiful restaurant overlooking the beach. Just a roof over a patio with a landing overlooking the bay. Special. The food turned out to be as good as the view. We hung out there for about an hour and a half then got together for some beach time.
It was late in the afternoon by the time we got to the beach and there was a lot of space for us. The water was as warm as the cooling night. Of course there was soccer all around us. Connor and I managed to kick the ball around some happily whiling away the time until the sunset. The sun sets quickly near the equator making it very dramatic. With a few clouds in the sky it was spectacular. The cherry on top of a perfect day.
We joined together for dinner at a restaurant owned by Ada's daughter Anna. Again, the food was great made better by the company of friends. The constant hum of conversations around us about soccer, the region, television shows, the day on the beach all contributing to the perfect balance struck in the day. I would sleep good tonight in my shared accommodation.
Signing off from Pontal Du Corouripe, Brazil, wishing you balance and harmony in your day. Know that you will always have more than you need and never have less than you want.
The bus left at about 11:45. On time by Brazilian standards. The trip to Pontal Du Corouripe would last about and hour and a half. As we got closer to the coast we passed coconut plantations and sugar cane fields. The sun soaking them in a shower of beautiful light. Our bus driver had a heavy right foot and we were making good time. The journey to the beach was pleasant even if the countryside was rushing by. Our destination today was Ada's Pousada.
Ada's Pousada is a quaint collection of simple casitas about three blocks from the beach. The ceilings are open and the living conditions are clean and basic. We do have hot showers though, and so far all of the outlets work. Ada is the proprietor. She was born in Italy and raised in Germany and Brazil as a child. She has lived in Pontal since she was a young girl and has a strong connection to the place. She's about 5'3" and ninety pounds. I would put her in her seventies. She has a smoking habit and a Tom Waits voice. Towards us she has a very sweet disposition but I would hate to line up on the other side of the fence against her. I'm sure she has a very strong sense of justice with indifference toward the conflict that can go along with it. As our host, purely gracious. As an enemy purely pernicious. I could tell I was going to enjoy my stay at Ada's. Happy that I was on the right side of the fence in harmony with our host.
Our arrival was a bit chaotic as we had to get our things off the bus and out of the rain and settle up on who was staying in which of the many casitas. Amy undertook that responsibility and we headed for lunch. Our landing spot was a beautiful restaurant overlooking the beach. Just a roof over a patio with a landing overlooking the bay. Special. The food turned out to be as good as the view. We hung out there for about an hour and a half then got together for some beach time.
It was late in the afternoon by the time we got to the beach and there was a lot of space for us. The water was as warm as the cooling night. Of course there was soccer all around us. Connor and I managed to kick the ball around some happily whiling away the time until the sunset. The sun sets quickly near the equator making it very dramatic. With a few clouds in the sky it was spectacular. The cherry on top of a perfect day.
We joined together for dinner at a restaurant owned by Ada's daughter Anna. Again, the food was great made better by the company of friends. The constant hum of conversations around us about soccer, the region, television shows, the day on the beach all contributing to the perfect balance struck in the day. I would sleep good tonight in my shared accommodation.
Signing off from Pontal Du Corouripe, Brazil, wishing you balance and harmony in your day. Know that you will always have more than you need and never have less than you want.